skin care

Why your skin becomes dull when it gets cold

Do you find that your skin appears duller during the colder months? Many people seem to experience more noticeable skin dullness in winter compared to summer. In this article, we will explore the causes of winter skin dullness and provide solutions to address this concern.

Cause of dullness

During the cold season, the causes of dull skin suddenly increase.

What could be the reason?

<Poor blood circulation>

Humans have the ability to maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the temperature.

Therefore, when the skin temperature sensor senses cold, the skin temperature sensor is used to prevent the body’s internal heat from being taken away.

The autonomic nervous system works to constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to keep the skin surface temperature low.

This causes poor blood circulation and makes your skin dull.

<Horny Hypertrophy>

When blood circulation is poor due to the cold, it becomes difficult for nutrients to reach each skin cell.

This disrupts the rhythm of skin renewal and makes it difficult for old keratin to fall off.

Corneocytes are a little dark in color, so when they thicken, they look dull and dull.


When the moisture from the skin is taken away by the low humidity outside air and it becomes dry,

As the barrier function deteriorates, the skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum and retaining moisture.

Also, if your skin lacks moisture, it will lose its transparency and look dull.

<Dark Circles>

The area around the eyes is a special area where the skin is thin and has many capillaries.

As a result, blood flow throughout the body becomes stagnant, and the skin becomes cold and blood flow in the capillaries worsens.

The blood becomes congested and dark circles appear.

Pale dark circles can make your entire face look dull.

Effective things to improve dullness

<Cover your body warmly>

The three areas – the neck, wrists, and ankles – are where major blood vessels and lymph nodes converge. When these areas are exposed to cold air, it becomes challenging for the entire body to stay warm. Consequently, poor circulation can exacerbate dullness in the skin. To prevent circulatory issues, it is advisable to cover these three areas adequately and keep them warm.


With the changing work styles, many individuals may have experienced a reduction in walking time due to remote work and online meetings. As a result, the muscle mass in the lower body may have decreased, making individuals more susceptible to feeling cold. Since coldness is a factor contributing to dull skin, it’s important to be conscious of incorporating walking and exercise into your routine to increase muscle mass and strive for a body that is less prone to coldness.

<Balance Nutrition>

A diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein, as well as the consumption of sweet foods, can cool the body. To increase blood volume, muscle mass, and improve blood circulation, it is important to be mindful of dietary choices in conjunction with addressing a sedentary lifestyle.

Including an adequate amount of protein in your diet and ensuring a substantial intake of vegetables is crucial. Since raw vegetables can contribute to cooling the body, it is preferable to consume them in a cooked or warm state, such as boiled or roasted.


It’s getting colder and colder these days,

Cold weather can cause dullness, so it’s important to be conscious of keeping your body warm and preventing poor blood circulation.

From now on, let’s make a conscious effort to warm up our bodies.


