skin care

Beauty and health benefits of sake lees

Sake lees remain when the moromi is pressed after the preparation of sake is finished.

Sake lees contains various nutrients, so it is also called a by-product of making sake.

Sake lees have been said to be effective in promoting health, but with the recent health boom, sake lees’ nutritional value, beautiful skin, and anti-aging effects have become a hot topic.

Sake lees is rich in functional ingredients derived from rice, koji, and yeast, so it can be said that it is a very nutritious food.

Effects of sake lees

〈Beauty skin effect〉

The contained “vitamin B group” enhances skin metabolism and promotes turnover.

In addition, it is rich in dietary fiber and can be expected to have a beautiful skin effect by relieving constipation that causes rough skin.

At the same time, it prevents the growth of melanin pigment and prevents the skin from drying out due to its moisturizing effect.

In addition, “α-EG” contained in both sake and sake lees promotes the production of collagen in skin cells.

As a result, it has the effect of making the skin texture finer.

〈Boost immunity〉
It has been found that the components contained in the cell walls of koji mold and yeast have the effect of increasing immunity.
It contains ingredients such as plasminogen that dissolve clots that cause cerebral infarction and arteriosclerosis.
The insoluble “dietary fiber” contained in sake lees discharges excess waste in the intestines.

In addition, “oligosaccharide” promotes the growth of good bacteria and prepares the intestinal environment.

〈Liver protection〉
“Peptide” increases the antioxidant power of the liver, removes active oxygen, and protects the liver.
Adenosine, which has a vasodilating effect, relieves symptoms such as stiff shoulders, headaches, and sensitivity to cold.

Let’s take a lot of sake lees that are good for the body!

Sake lees has many health and beauty benefits!

Why not include it in your daily diet and have a diet that is good for your beauty and health?

Amazake, made by dissolving sake lees in hot water and adding sugar, is easy to incorporate.

It is also sold in supermarkets and convenience stores, so you can easily consume sake lees.

As for the menu, we also recommend making “kasuzuke-yaki,” which is made by marinating fish or meat in sake lees, letting it sit overnight, and then grilling it!

Experience the effects of sake lees by incorporating it into your food little by little.


